FAT PROFILE – at the base of feeling good
FAT PROFILE is the cell membrane lipidomic analysis, particularly of the MATURE RED BLOOD CELL, developed in collaboration with CNR researchers, which detects the state of molecular health.
Each subject, based on age, lifestyle (e.g. physical activity, smoking, stress) and eating habits, has a very specific lipidomic profile.
Why is important to know the molecular health status (of one’s own cells)?
Cells are the fundamental units of the human body, the “building blocks” of every fabric and organ. Each cell is encircled by a layer – which gives shape and function, and it is also protective – called cell membrane, in turn made up of elements known to us as fats (lipids in technical-scientific language). For the proper body’s physiological functioning, the cell membrane fats must be in balance between the various types. The lipid composition and the changes that occur as a result of diet and metabolism outline the lipidomic profile.
Under what conditions is the FAT PROFILE analysis recommended?
Particularly indicated in cases of generalized painful states, also of an immune nature, and / or of a pathology to examine the inflammatory process in an innovative way. The fields of application are varied, including: dermatology, dietetics and nutrition, gynecology, pediatrics, competitive sports, neurology, cardio-vascular, ophthalmology.
Where can be FAT PROFILE performed (in Italy)?
At affiliated health facilities (medical centers, clinics) and / or referring specialists (doctors or nutritionist) belonging to the FAT PROFILE network.
Membership of the network implies updating and constant practice, which specialists obtain thanks to the attendance of specific training courses.
It is not possible to perform FAT PROFILE lipidomic analysis without the help of a referring specialist, doctor or nutritionist.
What is required for the FAT PROFILE analysis?
From a simple sampling of venous blood (500 microlitres – about 20 drops) followed by a medical history questionnaire and dietary habits.
Fasting is not necessary to make the withdrawal.
The material (sample and documentation) is sent by courier directly to Lipinutragen Lipidomic Laboratory (free service available only in Italy).
What are the timing?
Upon arrival of the blood sample – accompanied by the appropriate documentation – the Lipidomic Laboratory proceeds with the acceptance and processing of the FAT PROFILE analysis result.
At the end of the procedure, the result of the analysis – after 7 working days from the acceptance date – is made available directly to the referring specialist through a platform with protected access. Delivery and / or activation to the patient is performed by the doctor or nutritionist who has been contacted for the execution of the FAT PROFILE analysis.
Who is the referral specialist (for the interpretation of the result)?
The doctor or nutritionist belonging to the FAT PROFILE network; from the beginning the patient is directly followed by the referring specialist able to read and interpret the result of the FAT PROFILE lipidomic analysis. Based on the outcome, it may indicate personalized nutritional and / or nutraceutical suggestions aimed at recovering the balance for correct membrane functionality.
What determines the significance of the FAT PROFILE lipidomic analysis?
The processing of the blood sample at the Lipidomic Laboratory of Lipinutragen, authorized by the Italian Health Authority, takes place by means of a high-performance system, i.e. the robotic unit that performs the blood sample work-up, with selection and chemical transformations of mature red blood cell membranes (reporter cell with an average life of 120 days). It renders the analysis repeatable and reliable, so that a large number of samples can be processed with high performance.
News from FAT PROFILE:
The FAT PROFILE kit has changed layout; inside the kit there is all the material needed for blood collection *, the compulsory documentation for privacy and the necessary for shipping.
*the only element “subject to expiry” is the test tube, since what expires is the EDTA anticoagulant contained therein.
FAT PROFILE for health specialists means…
For the specialist, doctor or nutritionist, FAT PROFILE means having a cutting-edge tool with scientific knowledge in the field of the cell membrane correlated to the state of health. In addition, a very effective aid for the personalization of a strategy that uses the essential molecules of nutrition, to rebalance the cellular membrane of patients with improvements in the functionality of tissues and the whole organism.
- On 12 March 2018